Can I just say God is so good? There are many times I feel frustrated or get down but when I really sit down and count my blessings, I'm so insanely overwhelmed by the love my Father and my Savior have for me. A few exciting events from this week:
Martes: We had a bomb diggity district meeting! Our new district leader ROCKS. He was in our district last transfer too, but not as a leader and for real his district meetings are way inspiring and way fun and we just leave feeling so motivated. (And it's fun because he arrived with the generation of missionaries when I trained Hna. Franco and was in the ward that shared our church so I've been able to see parts of his progress over these last 10 months). We talked about how to recognize, listen to, and follow the Spirit. We read in 1 Nefi 4: 6, 10, 11, 12, 18 and see how the Spirit doesn't give up on us very quickly. The Spirit is always there to help us when we live worthy! Afterwards we visited a few other people and at night had a FHE with a family of more-or-less active members and their friends they invited and I ATE ARMADILLO. They just invited us randomly to eat dinner with them (because here in Mexico we eat dinner at like 9 at night) and we were eating tacos and they were really good, the only weird thing was that there were a ton of bone pieces in the meat, BUT because it looked and tasted like chicken I didn't even question what kind of meat it could be. So at the end they asked us if we knew what we had just eaten and we said no, then told us it was armadillo. Chido. Then they pulled a frozen iguana out of their freezer that they were going to eat later in the week. The hermana had brought all of them back from a trip to Michoacan along with green mango (which is SUPER SOUR) and another fruit/veggie called guamuchiles. Lesson I learned today: armadillo tastes good but I wouldn't recommend it because it destroys the digestive system hahahhahahahaha.
Miércoles: WORLDWIDE BROADCAST!!! I'm way excited for the changes that'll be happening here in the missionary world. We'll now have more freedom in terms of our daily schedule and will have some other changes that help us focus more on helping our investigators progress. Then a member accompanied us to visit a few cool new investigators, then he went off to a meeting at the church and my comp and I headed out to find another investigator. We found her but she was selling elotes and asked us to come back tomorrow so we bought elotes and headed back to another part of our area to visit other people when.......................... .......................we almost died. Don't freak out Mom, all is well now but I'll tell you the deets in April hehe.
But anyways the nearest elders came to our rescue and all turned out well. Then the four of us went to visit Ronald and talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon.
Jueves: Weekly planning, Burger King for lunch, and a million and seven choir practices for the devotional on Sunday.
Viernes: We were walking in the street and passed the house of a former investigator where her kids were laying outiside with their friends and said to them "Miren, son las muchachas del Libro de Mormón!!!!!" and ran out to say hi to us. These kids are so stinkin cute! Too bad their mom doesn't want to keep her commitments right now. :( Then we visited our favorite less active members with 11 cats (because one got run over on Monday....) and headed back home!
Sábado: The elders came to help one of our investigators cut down a tree while we caught his wife. IN the afternoon, we went to the baptism of some of the sisters in our zone, then at night we visited Ronald and watched the video about the Restoration. And the temperature dropped a TON so it's been freezing these days and will be like 18 degrees F tomorrow. Oh.
Domingo: Ronald came to church again! (It will never stop being exciting) Then we ate with the stake president and his family then headed to the devotional where the theme was "Cristo me ofrece una nueva vida" and my comp gave a talk and it was BOMB and Ronald came and we all learned a lot and felt the Spirit waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaay strong!
Hoy: In the morning my comp and I prepared the training we have to give tomorrow on how to study English (even though we don't study it......) at a conference in Aguas then headed to el centro to do some shopping! We always have a giant list of things we want to do or buy that we NEVER finish but today WE FINISHED! And also went to a suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup er hipster crepe place for breakfast. Check it.
Then we met up with the district, ate little Caesar's, and went rollerblading at a sweet park called La Encantada. Here we are afterwards yay:
Now, the reason I feel EXTRA blessed today is because I just out that a few people that I had the opportunity to teach in Aguascalientes (in my dangerous area that's now the elders' area that I always complained about) GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!!!!! Here's the evidence:
(and another sister from this same area that I don't have a picture of--Daniela, the golden investigator that I always talked about)
I know the Lord definitely does things His way and in His timing but I'm so grateful to have been able to meet these people and see that they've decided to make sacred promises with God! ALSO, a teenager that my trainer and I taught in my first area in San Luis wrote me today and told me that she's getting baptized THIS Saturday! God loves all of us, His children. He knows what we need, when we need it, and how we need it. I LOVE being a missionary and am so grateful for everything I've learned and lived here in Mexico. I know the Gospel is true. I know that we can only find the true, LASTING happiness we desire when we do God's will.
I hope you all have an incredible week and can count your blessings and feel just as loved and blessed as I have this week!
Hermana Bird
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