I realized that the last two pics didn't even go through last week so here are the pics of the food and our gifts!
Lunes: In my personal study I was reading some of the talks from October’s conference and came across a quote that I really like that says: “Si tenemos que comparar, comparemos como éramos en el pasado a cómo somos hoy, e incluso a cómo queremos ser en el futuro. La única opinión que importaes lo que nuestro Padre Celestial piensa de nosotros.” –Elder J. Devn Cornish
Rockin talk that I recommend to one and all.
Martes: District meeting where some of the elders wore the socks we gave them for Christmas:
Then we went and visited a recent convert named Estrella. It’s funny because she’s 14 and her family are all members but they like lost her records (something that’s oddly common in Mexico) so she had to be rebaptized but for some reason she like hates it when the missionaries come in. Every time we get to her house she always tells us she’s busy or no one is home or she doesn’t want to listen to us at the moment but we always find a way to convince her to let us in, but THIS TIME she was like way excited to let us it! She had read her scriptures and told us everything she learned, participated after the lesson, and like wanted to chat a ton after the lesson and it was WAY fun! Not sure what changed, but slowly but surely we’re gaining her trust and it’s been fun because she rocks. Miracle of the day!
Miércoles: Today we found some investigators that we hadn’t been able to relocate in a while and were able to have awesome lessons then out of the blue a member called and asked if she could go out and join us on our visits and it was way fun to have her with us! Then we went and visited another members that lives practically in front of us and she was so grateful for our visit. It was way fun to get to know her and have a mini FHE.
Jueves: Today we ate with a member named Fernando (not sure what his last name is) but he’s like a famous pianist, so after we ate, he played us a ton of songs and it was way cool to see all of the talents the Lord blesses His children with! Music is the best! Also, check out this inspirational graffiti we found today:
And hilariously random store called Poops that sells like craft things and diapers by the kilogram hahaha.
Viernes: Exchanges! We spent the day with a few sisters who are currently serving in Fresnillo, a zone like an hour away from where we are, and had a blast! It’s so much fun to get to know the other sisters and learn from them regardless of how much or how little time they have in the mission.
Sábado: NEW YEAR’S EVE!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!Today we had an activity where we watched 17 miracles. You should all watch it. Such a touching movie. We always have to go home early on holidays like this one so my comp and I partied it up! Fun times, but the pictures won't load so I'll send them next week!
Domingo: Church starts at 9 now! Some awesome talks were given about how angels are all around us around us to lift us up and help us in life's daily challenges (like in 17 miracles), how we can increase our faith at the start of this new year, virtue, and being more Christ-like. Great way to start off the year!
Waiting to enter the mine:
Found a dead guy...
District fun greeting a miner haha.
Hope you all made some great new year's goals and get working on them! Love you all and hope you have a fab week! Remember 3 Nefi 13:33.
-Hermana Bird
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