Thursday, March 23, 2017

December 19, 2016 FELIZ NAVIDAD!!

Friends and fam,

I can't believe that another year has come and gone and I will now be celebrating my second Christmas in Mexico. I feel so incredibly blessed to be serving the Lord in this wonderful land and remind people about the true meaning of Christmas! Highlights of the week:

Lunes: Went shopping with Hermana Caldwell and her comp, bought gifts and winter clothing so I don't freeze to death and then ate DAIRY QUEEN!! I can't give up the blizzard tradition. Ever.

Martes: We found an incredible new investigator named Isabel! Her super-Catholic parents listened to the sisters here like 5 months ago but weren't progressing so they stopped visiting but this sister had a Libro de Mormon too and said that we were an answer to her pleadings with the Lord and she wants to learn more and wants us to teach her kids too and she's the BEST. I hope to have more new on her shortly! Also, as many of you know, I never have enough time to read and respond to the emails I receive every week, so I often print out the mass emails to read later and felt so inspired by something Morgan (shouts out to my cousin Sorella Holmes in Italy) said in her email. "There is no comfort in the growth zone and no growth in the comfort zone." Talk about inspiration. It's been my motto this week.
-Miércoles: 14 meses!! How did that happen? My comp is cute and gave me chocolate and a card and made a 14 out of sticky notes on my wall, check it:
 Also we had exchanges with some sisters from Fresnillo (a city like 45 minutes away) and it was great! When we finished the exchange and went to drop them off at the bus station, some elders from our district had just gotten back from a little pueblito and gave us chocolate that their investigators had given them because they didn't want who doesn't want free chocolate? 
-Jueves: Today's #ILUMINAelMUDO challenge said "Jesús adoró por medio de la música y tú también puedes hacerlo" so as a zone we went the the centro (downtown) of Zacatecas and sang Christmas hymns and it was awesome! Here's a cute candid pic an elder took of us when we got there:
and a group selfie afterwards:

and this other pic with Caldwell where it looks like we're in Hollywood or something:

​ALSO, one of the assistants came to Zacatecas for exchanges the other day and sang with us and my comp and I made him a Christmas tree with ornaments that were pictures of his face and tacky Christmas paper and stickers we found in the house HAHAHAHA. Also, everything's better with glitter, right?:
Viernes: In the morning we went to help set up for the ward Christmas party, then went and ate tacos for lunch because the sister forgot she had to feed us haha then we went and visited a few people then came back for the CENA NAVIDEÑA!!!!!!!! In true Mexican Mormon fashion, we started 2 hours that was cool. And like 4 families showed up, BUT we ate pozole muy muy rico so it was all worth it in the end.

Sábado: Okay so this picture is actually from Friday but please enjoy a little taste of my area. Dirt roads, steep hills, and a whole lot of nothing as far as the eye can see. It's been an adjustment in this area but I'm learning to love it (and work on my calf muscles)!
  This day we also found a killer family that is WAY receptive and we're excited to see how things go with them!

Domingo: WHAT A GREAT DAY. Today a sister from Draper, Utah who had served in our mission 1.5 years ago came back to visit with her dad and it was SO FUN to talk to them and learn about some other less-actives in our ward we need to visit and see pictures from the good ol' USA and it was such a treat for my comp and I! We were just dying a little bit. It was great. After church and la comida, we went with the zone leaders to check out the house of some sisters in our zone because weird things have been happening there recently and seriously their house is a little frightening and I don't understand how they've been living there for so long, BUT we got it approved for them to change houses and they came and spent the night with us! Also, they live in the centro, so we snapped some sweet pics on the way back. THE CENTRO DE ZACATECAS IS SO PRETTY especially at night:

But I think the best part of the day was our Relief Society lesson. The sister who taught talked about how Christ has MANY names and had each one of us list off a name: Savior, Redeemer, Prince of Peace, etc. She then told the well known story of the three men who arrive in heaven and the person at the gates asks them what they know about Jesus Christ (the first man lists off facts and goes on his way, the second man lists off facts and more details and scriptural references, and the third man falls to his knees as he enters the room and says "Master" because he recognizes the man at the gates as Jesus Christ) and invited us to study and learn more about why Jesus Christ has so many names and instead of just know ABOUT Him, get to KNOW Him. I am so grateful for my Savior Jesus Christ. For His birth, His earthly ministry, His selfless sacrifice, His resurrection, and what He continues to do for us. He is the reason for the season. He is the light of the world. I am so blessed and honored to be His representative at this special time. Don't forget about Him. I love you all and hope you have the best Christmas yet!

Con MUCHO amor,
Hermana Bird

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